The CME Dispuut is the study association for students of Construction Management and Engineering at Delft University of Technology with a history of 14 years.
For everyone who is not yet familiar with the CME dispuut, we are here to bring companies, students, and university closer together. We are aiming to do this during all our events which are organized by us or one of our committees. These events are varying from End-of- Quarter drinks, for students to meet each on a different note after a busy period, to an International Business Tour where some the students will visit companies and universities in a country far away from Delft. Many other events are organized, like the Response Group which provides the university with their input to improve the education. And many more!
The dispuut is here for everyone! We have our room on the 6th floor of the CEG-faculty called ‘het Hok’ in room 6.70. Everyone is welcome for a little chit chat, free coffee, or if you have questions, suggestions about anything feel free to come by. As said before we are here to bring companies, students and university closer together, we know who to reach out to for you! Don’t hesitate and find us in the Hok or online!